Blueprint Event Listeners
Introduction to Event Listeners

Event Listeners

When building a blueprint, your application may require to listen to events. Events can be of any type, and handling those events is entirely up to your discretion.

In general, when defining your job, you must register any event listeners and provide a context as such:

    id = 0,
    event_listener(TangleEventListener, MyEventListener1, MyEventListener2, ...), // <-- Register all event listeners here
    verifier(evm = "MyVerifier")
pub fn hello_event_listener(
    x: u64,
    context: MyContext, // <-- The context type must be the first additional parameter
    env: GadgetConfiguration<parking_lot::RawRwLock>,
) -> Result<u64, Infallible> {

In order to understand how to build an event listener, begin with a custom implementation here